Siloam Gospel Clinic, Ghana - Project: 010


Indeed, there are many churches in Ghana particularly in the urban areas which minister to 37% of the population so you can find a church of some sort almost every few hundred metres when walking through the streets.

Although over 60% of the population would claim to be ‘Christian’ it is believed that only 2% are true born-again believers!

So, there seems to be a good measure of ignorance about the true gospel of Jesus Christ in Ghana which is why the founder of this clinic, Pastor Egya-Blay set up this outreach ministry in an effort to use medical aid as an expression of God’s love.


The German missionary organisation known as ‘Siloah’ was greatly motivated to begin a Christian ministry in Ghana that would show case the Christian gospel in a practical way.

It was fortunate then, that a young Bible student Egya-Blay found himself on the platform of Kings Cross Underground station in London back in 1978. Egya at that time was still studying for his diploma at the London Bible College. He had already allowed a number of trains to pass without boarding as he felt it was God’s prompting to remain where he was. Then, a young German missionary approached him and asked if he was from Ghana? Egya positively affirmed so he was invited back to the co-worker’s accommodation to have further discussions.

The result of what we believe was a God inspired meeting, is that the Siloam Gospel Clinic in Bonyere was established in 1981 with the help of our German colleagues, who sadly are no longer in existence.

The gospel clinic has continued to exist on very much a ‘hand-to-mouth’ basis with the help of overseas friends and by raising a small income from private patients who pay modest charges for their treatment and medicines.

The clinic has now passed into the hands of Pastor Egya-Blay’s daughter Bernice who is a physician assistant and is in overall charge of the clinic. She is ably assisted by her brother Frederick Nda Blay, the Clinic Administrator.

Altogether there are 47 other members of staff, the majority of whom are qualified medical personnel.

The gospel clinic operates 24 hours a day as an outpatient facility in the southwestern corner of Ghana close to the border with the Ivory Coast.

The clinic is a member of the Christian Health Association of Ghana which seeks to minister to the mind, soul and body of man. The Ministry of Health post health professionals to work in the facility and also pay for their salaries and other incentives.

Patients with National Health Insurance Scheme medical cards receive treatment at the facility. The government of Ghana pay the medical bills for patients, laboratory tests, drugs and other miscellaneous needs.

Specialist doctors from within the country also attend from time to time to treat various diseases including goitre, which is extremely common, as well as many other routine medical conditions.

The clinic is overseen by a Board of Directors, has a Management Committee, a Disciplinary Committee and other committees that see to the effective operation and general running of the facility.

Around 14,000 patients per year are treated from among the local population who would otherwise have to travel on foot, for more than 12 miles to the nearest government hospital. Indeed, it is reckoned that 40% of all the medical work undertaken in Ghana is done so by Charities and Missions who are held in high regard by the government of Ghana, who make up the shortfall in the nation’s medical care.

Siloam in the UK offers this project for worthy consideration of financial support particularly by those who appreciate the value of using medical aid as a vehicle for the Christian gospel.


During 2021 the clinic would very much like to update its facilities as it is concerned that the EPA permit it currently enjoys from the government could be revoked.

The current urgent needs which need to be addressed are as follows:

1. The new 30 KVA Perkins electric generator will cost £10,800. Purchasing this generator will enable the clinic to work during the hours of darkness as there are often power cuts meaning that patients cannot be treated during those periods.

2. A clinical waste incinerator will cost £3,900. At the present time, clinic waste is buried which is not now recommended by the environmental authorities and has become even more important during this period of the ‘Covid-19’ pandemic.

3. The clinic also could do with a new roof constructed of 6 x 2 roofing beams covered by corrugated iron sheets that will protect the clinic which measures 157 ft x 57 ft. The existing roof has lasted 30 years or more.

4. The roof of the visiting doctor’s bungalow accommodation also needs replacement that will cost £5,150.

So, there are many challenging needs as well as the regular financial assistance required for drugs and equipment. Also, the clinic needs to find more help with the additional costs of P.P.E equipment now being required.

Please donate generously to this deserving need in a country we don’t hear much about concerning Christian medical ministry. Please allocate your donation to project: 010 when you feel prompted by the Lord to become involved with this opportunity for Christian generosity.

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View of the Clinic main building.

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Maternity Room.

Ghana Gsopel Clinic 1

Generator installed with the help of your donations.

Ghana Gsopel Clinic 1

The completion of major work on the visiting doctors’ bungalow will increase the clinic’s capacity to serve the local community by providing comfortable accommodation for visiting doctors.

Standing Order Form

Gift Aid Form

Want to make a donation by bank transfer?  We would welcome larger donations by bank transfer to save PayPal fees. To make a donation, please log onto your bank online or call them and use the following details to make a payment:
Siloam Christian Ministries, Account Number: 00932329, Sort code: 60-12-35
Bank Address: NatWest, 59 The Parade, Leamington Spa CV32 4ZX.
Please Quote Reference: Project: 010, your Initials and Surname

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Picture of Fredrick on left, Berenice (in middle) and Egya-Blay on right

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Thank you for supporting this project. This picture shows the completion of the
installation of a vital incinerator, that is critical to managing clinical waste

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Picture of the two physician assistants in the clinic (left is james K. Z.
Loddoh and on right is Berencie A.A. Cobbinah, daughter of Egya-Blay
who is now the head of the clinic).

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Physician assistant attending to patient in a consulting room.

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Nurse attending to patient admitted for treatment. 

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Patients waiting for their laboratory results.

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Group picture of staff who came for morning shift duty.

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Clinic records room.

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Clinic dispensary.

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Some of the nurses on morning shift duty working.

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Nurse checking patient’s blood pressure.
